Maltese dogs can have separation anxiety when their owners leave them home alone. Maltese dog separation anxiety can be treated using patience and understanding, but also medication in more severe cases.

In some cases, Maltese might have a fear of being left alone that is so intense it rises to the level of a panic attack or a phobia. They may become frantic with worry or display behaviors such as barking, howling, drooling, and destructive chewing while you are away from home. 

Separation anxiety in Maltese is often caused by changes in household routine or even something as simple as going on vacation for the weekend- these things could cause your dog to feel abandoned by you and lead him to develop this type of fear. 

Maltese that have separation anxiety often do not cope well when left alone and can be a danger to themselves and even their home. They generally adapt well to new environments, but Maltese with separation anxiety may become so stressed they can cause physical damage to their homes or injure themselves. 

Maltese are extremely sociable dogs, so it is very important they receive the proper rearing and socialization to avoid separation anxiety in Maltese. They are typically very friendly dogs, however, Maltese with separation anxiety may become more aggressive than usual if they are left alone too long or destroy household items when their owners are away.

maltese separation anxiety

Signs of Separation Anxiety in Maltese

The Maltese are a breed of dog characterized by a smooth, short-haired coat. Maltese separation anxiety manifests in many different ways ranging from pacing and whining when their owners are absent to severe destructiveness, such as tearing up furniture or going on prolonged excursions in search of the owner.

In order for separation anxiety in Maltese to be diagnosed it must meet one of three requirements:

  1. The behavior lasts more than four weeks
  2. The behavior is severe
  3. There have been attempts at management that have been unsuccessful

It is important to identify Dog Separation Anxiety from other Maltese behavioral disorders with similar symptoms such as fear, phobia, stereotypical behaviors, compulsive behaviors, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Maltese separation anxiety is characterized by the Maltese’s owners inability to cope with periods of Maltese independence and often leads dogs to exhibit destructive behaviors such as:

  • Destroying furniture
  • self-mutilation
  • excessive vocalization

Why do the Maltese have it?

Separation anxiety in Maltese can be caused by many factors, including separation from their owner or the pack. Maltese dogs are particularly prone to this type of anxiety because they don’t like it when their dog parents leave them behind. 

Maltese breeds also have special needs when it comes to socialization and training, so make sure you do your research before taking on this type of responsibility. Separation Anxiety in Maltese can be treated using patience and understanding, but also medication in more severe cases.

What to do if the Maltese have it?

In order to prevent Separation Anxiety from happening, make sure you keep your dog as a part of the family. This breed of dog thrives on human company and attention. It is recommended for you to not leave your dog alone for long periods of time, especially when he is still a puppy, as Maltese experience more anxiety at an earlier age. 

Maltese Separation Anxiety can be treated using patience and understanding, but also medication in more severe cases.

How you can help your Maltese with separation anxiety


One of the best ways to help Maltese with separation anxiety is by handling them through training. Maltese training is not too different from many other breeds, but there are some things that you can do to help Maltese with separation anxiety specifically.


It is important for Maltese that is prone to separation anxiety that they are given ample time for socialization with other Maltese and pets in their home. Maltese need to be able to adapt to different environments, so try taking your dog on outings like pet-friendly restaurants or parks. 


Especially if they haven’t been allowed outdoors before, it will be good for them to get out of the house and explore! You can also make sure your dog is getting exercise every day. Maltese love to run and play, so if you can catch them on a calm day, try throwing their favorite toy across the yard and watch how excited they get!

Part of Family

Maltese need to feel like they are part of your family. Maltese separation anxiety is characterized by destructive behavior or distress whenever the dog’s owner is not around. 

Maltese will often resort to chewing furniture, barking excessively, or even urinating in the house when they are abandoned by their owner. Maltese that suffers from separation anxiety need to feel like they are part of their family in order to cope with being left alone for extended periods of time.

Their Favorite Toys

If you leave a Maltese home alone during the day, make sure to leave them with a favorite toy, a blanket with a familiar scent, or even some treats. Maltese are small dogs that live very long lives, so it is important to your dog that they feel secure and safe when you leave them at home alone for too long.

More Helpful Tips for dealing separation anxiety in maltese

Here is a list of Helpful tips for Maltese owners for dealing with separation anxiety:

  • If your dog has separation anxiety then it may be in your best interest to get another dog friend for company while you are away. Maltese are pack animals so not being around other dogs can lead to them feeling excluded or lonely.
  • It is best to crate the Maltese while you are away as it helps calm them down and puts them in a safe zone where they cannot chew things up or make much noise.
  • Maltese need constant companionship with their owner so you should try to spend time with them even when you are home alone. Maltese get very bored and lonely if they are left on their own for too long.
  • Maltese don’t like change in routine so make sure that your dog is getting the same amount of exercise, food and cuddles during the day so they don’t cause a fuss when your dog comes home.
  • Maltese dogs love to be entertained and will pay attention to their Maltese owner for as long as Maltese are interested in the same thing that Maltese is doing.
  • Maltese need a lot of mental stimulation in order to help with separation anxiety in Maltese. Maltese also need to be kept busy while the Maltese owner is away so it would be best for the Maltese to adopt some tricks like sitting or lying down instead of barking when a Maltese is left alone by their Maltese owner.
  • Maltese will get used to your schedule and routine if you are always at home with Maltese all day. Maltese will also be very happy if the owner makes Maltese a part of their daily routine and doesn’t change things around too much on Maltese or on Maltese owner.

Maltese separation anxiety is characterized by destructive behavior or distress whenever the Maltese owner is not around. Maltese will often resort to chewing furniture, barking excessively, or even urinating in the house when they are abandoned by their Maltese owners. 

Maltese that suffers from separation anxiety need to feel like they are part of their family in order to cope with being left alone for extended periods of time. If you leave a Maltese home alone during the day, make sure to leave them with a favorite toy, a blanket with a familiar scent, or even some Maltese treats. Maltese are small dogs that live very long lives so it’s important for Maltese dogs to need mental stimulation and company while Maltese are at home sleeping all day. Maltese dogs love to be entertained and will pay attention to the owner for as long as Maltese are interested in the same thing Maltese is doing. Maltese need a lot of mental stimulation in order to help with separation anxiety. Maltese also need to be kept busy while the owner is away so Maltese adopt some tricks. Contact a professional pet behaviorist for more information about your Maltese separation anxiety treatments.

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