When it comes to meat and poultry, it’s not always easy to tell if it’s safe for dogs to eat.

When you’re enjoying a nice summer barbeque and smoking some meat, you may find yourself wondering: Can dogs eat smoked turkey?

If you’re wondering whether smoked turkey is safe for dogs, there are a few things to consider before you make a decision.

If so, then keep reading to find out more on smoked turkey and if you should feed it to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Turkey Meat?

The honest answer is yes, dogs can eat smoked turkey meat.

It is not poisonous to dogs and poses little to no immediate health risks.

Turkey is packed with important nutritional benefits and is also a common protein found in many commercial dog foods.

Most preparations of turkey are safe, even if you’re using liquid smoke or even wood chips to get that nice, smokey flavor into your bird.

The important thing to remember is to only give your dog a portion that is free of fat, skin and bones, only giving them well cooked, white meat turkey.

*Dark meat is safe for dogs to eat as well, but the white meat is more protein-dense and has a lower fat content.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey Meat?

Dogs can certainly eat turkey meat, as long as it is cooked fully and free of fat, skin and bones.

Deli turkey meat is also safe for dogs in moderations.

This lean and tasty sliced poultry could certainly turn into one of your dog’s favorite treats!

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Turkey Neck?

The turkey neck might be super yummy looking to our dogs, but the amount of cooked bones inside of it is extremely dangerous.

When bones are cooked they become brittle and will splinter when chewed, potentially causing major stomach issues or even leaving pieces of bones stuck in their mouth or esophagus.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey Organs?

When purchasing a big turkey from the store, inside of it is a bag of giblets.

This usually includes the heart, liver and kidneys of the bird as well as the neck.

It is safe to feed your dog these turkey organs, minus the neck as its brittle bones are dangerous.

Can Dogs Have Smoked Turkey Wings?

Any part of the bird that contains bones is a no-no for dogs.

All bones, whether they are cooked or uncooked are dangerous to dogs when ingested.

Bones can splinter and lodge into the tissue in their mouth and esophagus.

When this happens, your dog will be taking a visit to the emergency vet.

Are Turkey Bones Bad For Dogs?

Yes. Bones of any kind can be dangerous to your dog, but bones that come from cooked poultry such as chicken or turkey are the most concerning.

Not only do turkey bones pose a risk for splintering and lacerating the inside of their mouth, but the stomach and intestines can also see problems.

The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive and these sharp pieces of bone can tear and even perforate the intestinal lining or the stomach.

In some cases, dogs will require surgery to remove any pieces of bone that are irritating or blocking the intestinal tract.

Recovering from this procedure can be quite painful and puts them at risk for gastrointestinal issues in their future.

What Bad Can Come From Feeding A Dog Turkey?

While turkey is a leaner meat and it is commonly used in dog foods, there are some pets that simply can’t handle it.

Usually the reason is because they have food sensitivities or are prone to pancreatitis.

While pancreatitis and GI issues like vomiting and diarrhea can be seen anytime your dog eats something other than their food, other issues could spawn depending on how the turkey is prepared.

Undercooked turkey or turkey meat that is cooked with a heavy amount of onions and garlic can pose a risk to your dog’s health.

Undercooked meat brings harmful bacteria such as salmonella or E.coli, while garlic and onion can cause acute anemia and other complications.

If you really, really want to give your dog a bite of some turkey, just make sure it is lightly seasoned, not fried, and cooked to the appropriate temperature.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Turkey Or A Turkey Bone

If your dog managed to swipe a piece of turkey off of your plate or the counter then the best thing to do is to monitor them for any signs of discomfort or stomach upset.

Remember not to panic!

Now, if you know that your dog ingested an entire turkey bone or even just part of one, then you need to call your veterinarian right away.

The faster that you address the issue the least likely that they will have an issue.

If you or your vet opt to simply monitor your dog for any adverse effects, then you should be mindful of these potential symptoms. 

  • Lethargy
  • Bloody stool
  • Painful abdomen
  • Vomiting or dry heaving
  • Black, tarry stool
  • Appetite loss
  • Constipation
  • Pawing at the mouth

Is Turkey Or Chicken Better For Dogs?

Chicken and turkey are both lean white meat that helps dogs build muscle.

Either one is a high-quality source of protein and nutrition, as long as it is prepared and fed to them appropriately.

If you are really wanting to give your dog the taste of turkey but are concerned about the risk, you can find commercial dog foods or treats that are turkey based.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Smoked Turkey?

Yes, dogs can eat smoked turkey as long as it was prepared appropriately for dogs.

Baked white-meat turkey that is ever so lightly seasoned can be safely fed to your dog in moderation.

Just make sure that the meat is cooked thoroughly and free of bones, fat and skin first.

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