If you’ve ever been enjoying your Weetabix breakfast and wondered if your dog could maybe indulge in some tasty wheaty treats then you’re not the only one.

Weetabix is a healthy breakfast cereal that is made up of wheat biscuits and is often eaten together with milk or yogurt.

The nice thing is that dogs can eat Weetabix and suffer little to no consequences.

Let’s talk about the benefits of giving your dog an occasional wheaty and fiber-rich snack.

What Is Weetabix?

Weetabix is a paleo-diet hero. Weetabix is a part of the grain family, and as such, is high in fiber.

As a healthy and digestible carbohydrate, Weetabix is a great source for energy as well as keeping your dog’s bowels (and yours) regular.

Can Dogs Eat Weetabix?

Dogs can most definitely eat Weetabix!

They will probably love it as much as you do, plus they’ll even gain some additional healthy nutrients and fiber to their daily diet.

After all, a healthy gastrointestinal tract makes everything that much better!

Now, because dogs don’t need quite as much fiber as a human, plus they should be obtaining a balanced and complete diet from their regular dog food, it is important not to go overboard on how much Weetabix you give your dog.

Too much fiber can end up slowing down their GI tract, doing the opposite of keeping a regular bowel.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Feeding Weetabix To Dogs?

Weetabix is a wheat-based breakfast cereal that is popular in the United Kingdom.

This healthy crispy morning treat consists of 95% whole wheat grains, with Malted Barley extract, sugar, salt, Niacin, Iron, Riboflavin, Thiamin and Folic Acid.

Those last four ingredients have been proven to reduce tiredness and fatigue, making it a great start to anyone's day!

Even your dog's!

Weetabix is also a healthy protein source, but it shouldn't be a singular one.

You can find Weetabix in the original formula, the protein-rich one or even a wheat-free version.

How Many Weetabix Are Too Many?

The amount of Weetabix given depends on the size of the dog as well as their health.

It is important that we don’t give our dogs too much extra food outside of their daily diet as we don’t want to cause them to gain an unnecessary amount of weight.

It is said that a small dog can have about 2-3 Weetabix per day and a medium to large dog could eat around 5 or 6.

However, you should always consult with your dog’s veterinarian before giving them anything other than their dog food.

It is important to mention again that your dog’s regular diet should include a balanced and complete amount of essential ingredients, so supplementing with Weetabix could end up putting them over their necessary calorie, carb or fiber intake.

Be sure to monitor your dog for weight gain when feeding them Weetabix!

Can There Be Negative Side Effects From Giving Dogs Weetabix?

Weetabix is a generally healthy item to give your dog as a treat and there should be minimal negative side effects from feeding it to them.

However, as with any food, it is always possible that your dog will have an allergy to the wheat or any other ingredient included in it.

Symptoms of allergies may appear as hair loss, excessive itching or gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting or diarrhea.

As always, consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new foods.

Additionally, overfeeding any food, including Weetabix, can lead to weight gain.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Weetabix?

Dog’s can certainly eat Weetabix thanks to its healthy, digestible carbohydrates and fiber-rich formula.

It’s important to not overfeed your dog with Weetabix and probably only give it to your pooch in moderation unless directed otherwise by your vet.

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