Your dog is eyeing the juicy, delicious steak that you just brought in off the grill and can we even blame them?

Dogs are generally omnivores but can adapt to vegetarian diets, however, the average canine isn’t going to pass up a piece of steak if offered to them.

But the question is, can dogs eat steak and steak bones?

The answer is really a little bit of yes and a lot of no.

So if you’d like to know more about giving your dog a tasty piece of steak or maybe even a bone then keep reading to find out if it’s actually a good idea.

Can Dogs Eat Steak?

It’s not really a matter of “can” but really a matter of “should” dogs eat steak.

Sure, their wolf ancestors can tear into raw meat and be just fine, but our delicate, domesticated dogs are a different story.

The quick and easy answer is, sure, dogs can eat steak… but you may end up with some stomach upset a few hours later.

Steak isn’t toxic and if you give them a small piece that DOESN’T include a chunk of fat on it, then your dog will most likely be fine.

Steak tends to be seasoned heavily with salt and pepper and many of them have heavy marbling and fat running throughout.

While this is a sure sign of deliciousness to us, and dogs, the fat content is not good for them.

Fat, especially from meat, is likely to give your dog pancreatitis.

This is even more true if they have a history of this condition.

Can Dogs Eat Steak Bones?

Again, the canine’s wild ancestors were more than capable of crunching through uncooked meat and bones, but the truth is, it’s just not healthy for your pet dog.

Bones pose several risks to your dog’s health, especially after they are cooked.

Cooked bones are more brittle and prone to splintering, which can lead to slivers of bone lodged in your dog's mouth, or worse, their gastrointestinal tract.

Bones also have very fatty bone marrow that runs through the middle.

While this marrow is a particularly tasty delicacy to a dog, it can also cause vomiting, diarrhea and pancreatitis.

Another concern with feeding your dog bones is the risk of breaking their teeth.

This is a common problem that is seen in veterinary hospitals and extracting broken but otherwise solid teeth is not fun for the doctor or the pet.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Steak?

Wild canines have eaten raw meat for millennia but for the domesticated canine, it could cause a potential world of tummy troubles.

Uncooked steak contains bacteria and that bacteria could lead to gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting and diarrhea.

While “raw diets” are becoming more popular, it is important that you consult with your veterinarian before you switch your dog to eating a raw diet.

What Are The Nutritional Benefits Of Feeding Steak To Dogs?

Steak, being entirely meat, is obviously rich in protein.

Not only that, but steak contains a high amount of Omega-6 and vitamin B12.

Steak also contains iron, selenium, niacin and zinc, which are all part of a dog’s balanced and complete diet.

Additional protein is not necessary for the average dog, however those that are highly active and burn a lot of calories on a daily basis can benefit from having steak added to their diet.

The same goes for dogs that need to gain muscle quickly.

It is not recommended to feed additional protein to dogs that suffer from kidney disease.

What Are The Risks Of Feeding Steak To Dogs

Unnecessary weight gain, vomiting, diarrhea and pancreatitis are a major concern in regard to feeding your dog additional protein such as steak.

Can Dogs Eat Steak Bones And Steak?

While dogs can technically eat steak and steak bones, it is not generally recommended that you do so.

Remember that if you are feeding your dog a balanced and completely nutritious diet, you do not need to supplement your dog with additional protein sources.

Steak and its fat can cause pancreatitis and weight gain, while the steak bones are a choking hazard.

Not only that, but the bones can break easily and cause trauma to the teeth, mouth or intestines.

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